Monitoring projects > Measurements

Post-tensioned timber frame

On this page you can find the following:


The strains are measured with two different types of optical deformation sensors.

Location of the FBG sensors on the C storey

Location of the LUNA sensors on the C storey

Location of the LUNA sensors on the D storey

The absolute deformation is measured with the tachymeter and by leveling. The measurement positions labelled with the letter F are situated on the post-tensioned timber frame.

Location of the leveling points on the C storey

Location of the leveling points on the D storey

Location of the tachymetry points on the C storey
Moisture content

The moisture content is measured along two sides of the post-tensioned timber frame. The measurement needles were inserted to a depth of 6cm into the beams and columns.

Location of the measurement points on the C storey

Location of the measurement points on the D storey
Post-tension force

Load Cells (LC) measure the post-tension force at the anchorage of the tendons in the timber frame.

Location of the sensors on the C storey

Location of the sensors on the D storey